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Hello! Star Wars and Boeing?

It has been a ridiculously long time since I have posted a blog. About a year and a half ago, I decided to branch out on my own and become a completely solo practitioner. I am enjoying every minute of it, but I have been really busy. After slowly realizing that I would always be hectic, I just decided to start writing blogs again!

About 6 months into starting out solo (Han Solo?), we were thrown into lockdowns and this pandemic. I used some of this extra time to watch some of the stories of the expanded universe of Star Wars. I watched The Mandalorian, Clone Wars, and Rebels and have been reading a lot of the Canon books as well.

So when I saw this article about an issued patent to Boeing directed to a force field that creates a plasma barrier around vehicles in the case of explosions, I was very excited. As a patent attorney, I love seeing popular culture and patent law intersecting. The drawings for the patent could easily have been from any of the Star Wars stories! I do realize that this article is from 2015, but it is new to me and connects patent law to Star Wars!